NANKO RENEWABLES: Participation at IENE’s Workshop on 28th of September regarding Energy Storage

At a time when Europe is gradually moving towards energy autonomy by investing in RES, Energy Storage becomes a major priority as well as a strategic investment for the development of a controlled and strong Energy System.

Greece benefits from an abundant renewable energy potential. Therefore, Energy Storage is considered a necessary measure that at the same time requires the upgrading and strengthening of the energy network, the modernization of equipment, as well as the development of a hybridization model. The aim is to achieve stability and security of supply, given that energy is able to be stored during periods of low demand and released afterwards.

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a Greek measure to support the construction and operation of storage facilities in the electricity system to be completed by the end of 2025.

Following the latest developments, NANKO will be participating as a Supporter in a workshop organized by IENE at the Crowne Plaza in Athens, on September 28, titled “Electricity Storage and Network Management for Maximum RES Penetration”. Topics to be discussed concern the development of strategic objectives for RES projects in Greece, legal issues regarding licensing, the current situation in Europe and the need for energy storage, as well as strategies for maximizing energy reserves in Greece.

NANKO Renewables with its many years of experience in the study, construction, and operation of renewable energy projects supports the initiative of IENE as well as the continued discussion on the policies of Green Energy Practices.

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